Bring a Toy to School Day

AIGHS took part in the Share A Smile campaign which included Bring A Toy To School Day.Throughout the campaign, the team recieved a grand total of …Five Thousand and eighteen (5,018 – FIVE ZERO ONE EIGHT!) brand new Toys/GiftsAll the toys and gifts were distributed to a total number of 8 Hospitals! However, the Hospital Trusts have wider network connections and will help distribute the Gifts and Toys across many other hospitals around the North West.The planning for this project commenced around December 2023 and we finished distributing on Saturday 6th April 2024 with your support and generosity – all of this was made possible. Along with our registered charity Heal Humanity who have supported us from the day we started and have guided us.The children (& parents) were extremely happy upon seeing us with Toys/Gifts and even more so when we told them the reason behind the fundraiser and how the Share A Smile community raised over 5000 brand new Toys/Gifts.One parent who was so overwhelmed she started crying (happy tears) and was so appreciative.The following story blew our minds! A patient had been collecting TY Bunnies and had 300 of them, however one was missing!The one which was missing was from your donations and out of the 5018 toys & 140 boxes, that one missing TY Bunny was in the box which we took to the ward. The girl was over the moon and couldn’t stop smiling, with her mum telling us over and over again how much it was appreciated.We met a little girl Hanayah who was unable to speak, but when we entered the room she jumped up and couldn’t wait to get a Toy/Gift. In her own amazing way she was saying thank you to us through her smile and gestures ❤️These are 2 of many amazing moments we shared with the patients, parents and staff.Below are some quotes from Parents and Staff -‘This is the best day ever”We’ll never ever forget this”This child hasn’t smiled since they’ve been in, but you’ve just made him smile”My daughter had a difficult morning and this has just brightened her up”Wow, This is amazing, thank you so much. This will help a lot of patients’An experience we will never forget. Witnessing the smiles from the children, parents and staff was worth every sacrifice and every donation.We would like to say a massive thank you to each and every one of you for your support, it has put smiles on many children’s faces who are going through a tough time being stuck in hospital.None of this would’ve been possible without you. The Share A Smile team would like to express our utmost gratitude towards the school, pupils and parents/guardians for the kindness and generosity you have all shown.